SOOOO, all I can do is live in the moment. Today, I had many great moments and took a lot of pictures to remember those moments. I had my normal day at work and got home about 5:30. That's where it got better. My nieces, Mallory and Georgia were here at my house, along with Princess McCown (Mary) who moved in for a few days while her mom (Lelania) camped out at the hospital with her mom. She and Savannah have had a blast and gotten a lot of sun. Jeff had bought two yards of mulch and we quickly figured out that we were not capable of the flower bed situation. HA 
Apparently we need at least 4 more of these.
Apparently we need at least 4 more of these.
Here is what we started with...
Mallory thought this was really funny!
Thank goodness for big boy toys! I can't believe I actually said that. Did I mention that Savannah side swiped a convertible Corvette on our street with the golf cart this week? I think I probably left that out during my couple of days of blog rebellion. That big boy toy thing was really not a great thing that day.
OH, also during my "rebellion" David Cook won American Idol! YES! I finally picked one and got it right. I love it. Of course, I haven't heard a single thing about it after the show. I've been too busy with more important matters I guess.
Ok, sorry for the picture overload...well, not really. I'm a proud mother and aunt so just bear with me.. This is Savannah and Princess Mary. Are they beautiful or what? I love Savy G's eyes in this picture.
That child is going to be the death of me. Mary is the sweetest child you have ever met. I absolutely love her and those girls had a blast and are totally exhausted tonight.
I'll start with Baby Georgia. She had a tummy ache this afternoon so catching her with a smile on her face was a bit of a daunting task. 
No hair jokes. I get it cut tomorrow. Look at this sweet baby...her Aunt Kacy loves her so much.
Her Granny loves her, too. Mom was singing to her. This is a picture to treasure even though if mom knew I put her picture on here, she would literally KILL me...
Have a WONDERFUL holiday weekend. Cherish every moment! I know I will.
Hug those babies and don't forget to say, I LOVE YOU. One day, it will be too late.
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