Nash, is that a car up your nose? What's up with that cutie?
I didn't get a picture of you after your fall! He was running around the pool and his little feet went right up over his ears and he landed right on that beautiful forehead. He had a bodacious knot!! But, Aunt Kacy came to the rescue with an ice pack and a bag of marshmallows and all was good with the world.
We had swimmers of all shapes and sizes.
And lots of family and plenty of food.
Thanks for enduring my picture "catch up". I was behind. This hotel has given us a few technical difficulties, but Jeffrey Michael seems to have gotten the kinks worked out now. I just get frustrated and say forget it. For $65 a night, I have to BRAG on our hotel. We are about 10 minutes from Six Flags. Last year, we stayed at the Gaylord Texan in Grapvine. It was SWEET. Due to the current economic situation and the above mentioned "Budget Nazi", I booked the Value trip this year and honestly, we are just as happy here and we saved a BUTT LOAD of cash. We don't have the best view, but who cares?
Here is our little bedroom....
And our mini kitchen...Notice the Big K Cola...another Budget Nazi move. I am going to have to overrule that one, though. When I want a Coke, I want a Coke. You will never hear me saying, "I really need a Big K right now!".
Here is our den....
We had a BLAST today and are heading back tomorrow morning. BUT, my dogs are barking!!The park was awesome. There were NO LINES. We didn't have to wait on any ride and we rode everything there today. We had a free Flash Pass coupon (of course) but we didn't even need to use it today!! We still have it for tomorrow in case it is crowded!!
Are we a motley crew or what? I guess it is a common thing for people to color coordinate their families when they go to an amusement park. Jeff and I have been noticing this for years. That is a thought that has never entered my mind. I have never color coordinated my kids much less my whole family. I think I like individuality and self expression with some guidelines. Heck, my kids packed themselves. What they put on is a surprise to me everyday.
Here's a little photo shoot of what we were all up to tonight. (I get bored FAST.) Jeff was trying to get my security software for work to stop blocking the wireless Internet in our room. He finally did it!!
LOL You are a freaking HOOT!
Love the pict of dalt with his park map-and sav in the shower-thanks for the pool-we had so much fun today-both the kids are jumping off the diving board and swimming to the side-I am so proud--I miss yall--love u!!
oh --I almost forgot-check out my blog of the pool party we had today
Looks like yall are having fun!!! I love the night gown you made! I want one!:) Thankyou so much for letting us hang out at your pool. We had fun at the "poolparty"
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