Ok, first for a little housekeeping.
Mom is doing MUCH better. She went back to the doctor and they told her to just continue with her antibiotics. I'm a little frustrated with the whole health care for those that don't have insurance thing. WOW, that was me saying that without screaming or crying or throwing anything. For those of you that don't know, my mother lives with me and has for the last several years. It just works. Anyway, other than keeping grandchildren, both mine and my brothers kids, she is not employed and therefore can't afford insurance. She has arthritis and deals with that pain everyday. It forced her to stop working several years ago, which was about the time she moved in with me. Luckily, she hasn't needed much that we couldn't take care of within our network of friends until this last bout with staph. She was admitted to the hospital and taken good care of there. I haven't gotten the bill for that yet and I'm sure I'll throw up when I see it. This follow up appointment was a different story. About a year ago, I started searching for a clinic that would see her. Because of her income (or lack there of), they either won't see her or they want to base their fees on my household income. We really need to apply for disability for her. In order to do so, you have to be being seen by a doctor and have a firm diagnosis. HOW THE HECK DO YOU GET THERE? She can't pay based on our income and honestly, I can't either. Or they just won't see her. This clinic saw her this week, but wouldn't discuss anything with her except for the infection she is battling and told her in order to come back, they need my tax returns. That's NO good. If anybody out there knows how you do this, PLEASE let me know. I guess you get health care and then file bankruptcy. It is very upsetting and just hurts your feelings or at least it does mine.
Work is going good. We had a really good April (thank you God). I am all finished with the computer conversion mess. I'm having my usual Spring Fever and wishing I loved what I did more, but, all in all, it's good. I do like what I do, but it's hard to work and be a mom and still find time to do the things you love too. Part of the problem is that Jeff is doing a renovation job in Walnut MS which is about an hour from here. ALL of his time, lately, has been spent there. As a matter of fact, as I type, it is 9:44 and he is just walking in the door. This is the first time I have seen him since 8 this a.m. I feel like a single mom. I left work, got home, cleaned up some mess from the storm we had last night (another story) and looked at the kid's yearbooks with them, checked homework, went to Tae kwon do, took the kids to dinner, got showers and put them in bed. He's still walking around the house on the phone which is how he came in. HUMMMMM..
We had terrible storms here last night. A piece of flashing got blown up on the roof and I had about 6 gallons of water in my breakfast room this morning that had come in from the ceiling, down the wall and all over the floor. On the other side of that wall is hardwood. We are watching it. If the hardwood buckles, we have an insurance claim. We may have one anyway. The 50 inch plasma is SHOT. I moved a 19 inch down here for now. I need a husband on that topic so we'll see what happens. All of the patio furniture is in the pool. It was overflowing this morning, but Jeff walked my mom through backwashing it. It's gonna take at least three adults to get the furniture out of the pool. It's wrought iron and on the bottom of the deep end. Again, possible insurance claim!
Dalton got a girlfriend. Since he reads my blog from time to time, I don't know where to go with this. I'm heartbroken and worried. How do parents do it?
DH just told me the roofer came and fixed the roof for $100. I guess that's good information. For some reason it just PISSED me off. Oh my, this is going downhill fast. I don't know if it's the roof or the fact that he's going back to Walnut at 7:30 in the morning.
Lets move on to something else.
So, the night before Talladega we went to a local dirt track and had a blast. It was in Calera, AL. I loved it. I love the races, but honestly, I just like people and traditions.

That's Lenny driving that truck. He served many purposes. He was the "Pace Truck". He also carried the flag around during the prayer and national anthem that a little girl sang. And, of course, he picked up debris anytime there was a wreck and there were plenty. The races were starting at dusk. They have to because if they start any earlier, turn two could be treacherous looking into the sun. That's what they said anyway. My camera doesn't take good pictures at night. It was tons of fun. All of the cars were handpainted and men and WOMEN were racing. They had kids bicycle races between the heat races and the feature races. AND, they are apparently famous for this...

They were out of Brownie Mousse by the time I got around to it, but I liked the sign! One of my favorite things about the whole night was the tow truck. It had Mater painted on it and everytime someone wrecked they would holler, "Mater, you are needed on the track." It was great. Have you seen Cars?
Ok, before Talledega, we went to Rhett and Ty's T-Ball game. How fun!!!

Go Rhett!
Go Ty!
Jeff was having fun with Nash and Judd! They can't wait until the day they get to play like the big boys.
How sweet are they?This was just a random picture of Stella the night before she went in to have her teeth cleaned. Isn't she cute?
HA. She's laying in that same spot right now!
That's about all I have time for at the moment. I've got to go have a little heart to heart with my hunk of burning love about how I don't think we are going to be doing construction work at 9 p.m. anymore. Ya know what I mean?
Have a good Thursday! I promise I'm going to get Rhett's birthday party posted by the weekend. We are going to Dyersburg for a cousin's wedding shower on Saturday. Do things ever slow down?
Oh, heavens, I almost forgot! I took my first sewing class yesterday at Joann's. I can't wait to get started on some "projects".
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