Well, the children and I pulled it off. We went to our FIRST ever livestock auction yesterday in Ponotoc Mississippi!! When we sat down and I realized that I was actually about to bid and I looked around at all of the characters in this story, I couldn't believe I had left my camera at home. Thinking about it though, I would have looked even more out of place had I been there asking men in overalls to take our picture.... my wedge flip flops and Coach purse were a little out of dress code for this event. That wasn't something I thought about when we left, but if I ever go back, I'll know.
We set out on a mission Saturday morning to find a GOAT. We decided to get Jeff a goat for Father's Day. It is a very fitting gift. After many years of enduring either some really off the wall inappropriate gifts or just no gifts at all, I decided to give him a goat.
Go figure, HE LOVES IT!!
Savannah went into pose mode and I couldn't resist those blue eyes.
I better cut it short tonight. The kids have left me out here by myself which means there are wet kids and clothes flying all over my house right now and Bug is eathing a towel hanging on the back of a chair. I hope everyone had a FABULOUS Fathers Day!
Hug those babies tight and share your love!
I just heard David Cook's new single and I like it. He's a good guy! Go DAVID!
Oh My Goodness, I almost forgot!! Go Junior!! Congrats Dude. I've been pulling for you since Talledega. You needed a win and I was happy to see it for you even if it was under caution. AND, Go Kasey!! pulling in 2nd ain't half bad big boy!
Jeff watched Talledega Nights this morning and his favorite word today has been TURD.
Savannah has a new saying...."Don't make me do my hands in a Z formation, butt rotation, elbow, elbow, wrist, wrist, You just got Dissed." It has hand and body motions to go along with it. Well well. What happened to "Cinderella, dressed in Yellow....".
1 comment:
A goat???? I sure hope that's what he asked for. Your a good woman, I sure would not have granted that wish.
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