SAVANNAH IS CHUNKY DUNKIN RIGHT NOW! OMYGOODNESS! That's what we call skinny dippin around the Acree house. We figure you gotta be skinny to go skinny dippin and that's just not happening around here. Oh well, she must have inherited my mom's genes on that one.
I didn't work today. Actually, I worked all day just not AT work. I couldn't handle it today. I needed a day to get some things back in order around here after that crazy weekend we had. I think I just needed a day out of the office. Working by myself for a couple of weeks really took a toll on me and my household. A lot of things got ignored and I've been a little too overwhelmed. I have a much calmer feeling tonight as I sat down to write.
We are so in love with BUG the GOAT. I have had more people ask if Jeff "wanted" a goat. The answer is NO. He never mentioned it, but he is an animal lover. And now, he is in love with his goat. You have to really know Jeff to understand the connection of him "needing" to have a goat. He is just a baby. I gave him a bath today and he smells really good. He has followed me around all day inside and out. The crazy thing is he actually uses the doggy door to go outside and potty. He is moving to the farm tomorrow. Our backyard has NO shade. He would have to be moved throughout the day to keep shade. Plus, goats don't swim. We've had a couple of close calls with him already. He jumped onto a float in the pool yesterday and luckily my mom was standing nearby and he often tries to just walk down the steps in the shallow end.
Here are a few of his pictures from today...
BUG went roller blading with Katie this afternoon. I got some of his stickers off in his bath today. He got tired after rolling blading and layed down with Jeff in the yard.
That's about it for around here. We had another Father's Day dinner tonight for Jeff's grandfather. Of course, their was plenty of feuding going on. I wish sometimes things could just be peaceful....guess I'll just keep on wishing.
Have a GREAT WEEK. Hug your babies extra super tight and tell people how you feel.
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