Thursday, June 26, 2008
I got a new doctor last week and started a new medication and it's got me all screwed up. Side effects are a real you know what.
I've been working on laundry getting all geared up for our trip to LA this weekend. I think we are going to make a pit stop at the water park in Choctaw. We had ruled it out yesterday, but I can't resist a great water slide. I don't know when else we would fit it in and I love me some sun.
Not too much drama around here tonight. The kids were pretty calm and everyone was friends again. They actually bathed tonight too. They think the pool is the same as a shower. Most days I just try to pick my battles and that isn't one of them. Tonight though, I got a nice whiff of Dalton and had to insist, not to mention Savannah has been at soccer camp everyday this week. I'll be glad when cleanliness becomes a priority for them.
My baby bird is still alive and BUG is doing well. I called to check on him today. They went ahead and wormed him again and he got his goat shots. Who knew you needed goat shots? The kids want to go see him tomorrow before we leave for a long weekend so I guess we'll take care of that tomorrow afternoon. I think we are going to leave after soccer camp on Friday. We are staying with a friend that stayed with us over the marathon weekend last year. We just sort of adopted her and now she has been kind enough to take us in. I'm sure I'll have lots of pictures when we get back.
I'm sure the babies are in bed, but hug them every chance you get and share your love.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
They all go crazy and open their mouths and holler when Chiquita comes home.
They are too cute! But there sure is a big mess on the ground underneath the nest. I didn't take pictures of that. I'll kinda be glad when they grow up and move out.
Is that a cool vase or what? The yellow really looks good in it. Last but not least, check out this hot hydrangea.....
Alright, I'm out of here. The kids are in the pool and I'm going to join them. Maybe it will help work this kink out of my neck. Have a great night and a great week.
Hug those babies and share your love.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Jeff and the kids went to see Kung Fu Panda tonight. Jeff and Dalton liked it, but SavyG said she didn't really care for it.
BUG moved to the farm Wednesday night. We went to visit last night and he really seemed to like it there. He is now with 5 other goats. They wormed him when he got there and are taking good care of him. I'm sure we will go visit again this weekend.
Next weekend we are heading to West Monroe for the big Shake 4 Jake event. I can't wait!! I am so excited about going to see everyone I miss so much and share in such a wonderful event. I was so sad when I had to miss it last year. We are all looking forward to going.
I'm tired, Izzy is laying on my feet and Jeff is sawing some serious logs. I think it's good night for me. I'm looking forward to lots of sun, fun and studying this weekend. Hope you have a good one.
Hug those sweet babies and share your love.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Another Day Down
Monday, June 16, 2008
Acree/Sanford & Son/Dolittle House
BUG went roller blading with Katie this afternoon. I got some of his stickers off in his bath today. He got tired after rolling blading and layed down with Jeff in the yard.
That's about it for around here. We had another Father's Day dinner tonight for Jeff's grandfather. Of course, their was plenty of feuding going on. I wish sometimes things could just be peaceful....guess I'll just keep on wishing.
Have a GREAT WEEK. Hug your babies extra super tight and tell people how you feel.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Savannah went into pose mode and I couldn't resist those blue eyes.
Oh My Goodness, I almost forgot!! Go Junior!! Congrats Dude. I've been pulling for you since Talledega. You needed a win and I was happy to see it for you even if it was under caution. AND, Go Kasey!! pulling in 2nd ain't half bad big boy!
Jeff watched Talledega Nights this morning and his favorite word today has been TURD.
Savannah has a new saying...."Don't make me do my hands in a Z formation, butt rotation, elbow, elbow, wrist, wrist, You just got Dissed." It has hand and body motions to go along with it. Well well. What happened to "Cinderella, dressed in Yellow....".
Friday, June 13, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
I quit after that. I wasn't wanting posed pictures tonight. Savannah and Katie were in the pool and they are camera hogs, so tonight it was just my Dalton.
I went to the doctor today to find out that even though I think I'm losing my mind, I am actually perfectly normal. (Well, in this case anyway.) I have been so overwhelmed lately and exhausted feeling and short tempered and just really tense. Apparently, most women feel this way somewhere along the way. The doctor says I have what is normally called generalized anxiety but he likes to call "hurried woman syndrome". He told me to sit still for a minute and think about all of the things I do in a day.....HA! I almost told him I didn't have time; ) He said, think about it for a minute. When your mom was your age you had one phone in the house and it was attached to the kitchen wall. You had three channels on television and the Internet didn't exist.....I started to see his point. I am a "hurried woman". And, there isn't anything I can do to change it. It is the world I live in, so I have to figure out how to deal with it. Honestly, just having a little perspective on the situation helped and to know that I'm not crazy and what I feel is normal meant a lot. Thanks Doc for the talk. I needed it.
I'm outta here. The chitlins are in the pool and I'm going to join them!! Screw this "hurried" mess! Hug on your babies and share that love.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Lovely Lovely Day
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
I guess I could have cleaned up around the Cokes a little bit before I took the picture, but I'm just trying to keep it real. I don't really have time for a clean pantry and even if I did I'm not sure that's how I would choose to spend my time. HA. Maybe someday, I'm just not that girl.
I've been doing a little decorating around the Sanford and Son house lately and when I took this picture I realized how crooked everything was and realized, I probably need some help....
Those big tall thingys are really cool, but they need some straightening up, humm, where did that free time go? By the way, that was "The Moment of Truth" on TV. Why did they create a show that ruins peoples lives? Why does the truth ruin peoples lives? Jeff and I decided we could go on there and go all the way. We are both pretty honest people and just take our hits when the truth hurts. Ya know, it is what it is...
Alright, I played with my camera settings and check out this close up that I never would have been able to get before.....
Check out that bow!! She'd rather eat poop than wear a bow in her hair now. Do you think it was because I made her wear them as a child? I've warped her.
Here are my latest ones. Check out my little models. Hal was doing a new project and wanted to try it out on my kids. He took them all over downtown and shot pictures of them. I have a cool DVD of the whole session. OMGoodness, I wonder if I can get that DVD on here. That's another night, but I bet I can. I'll work on it. In the meantime, here are the pics of pics.....
Well, it's 9:45 and I'm outside watching a diving contest. The neighborhood is still here. I love that. It happens everyday. I wish there were more hours in the day and I was physically capable of staying awake.
I'm feeling like a cruddy mom lately. I've been working my tail off, which makes more money and grows my agency for the future, but then I miss my kids and my family. If I spend time with my family, my business suffers. I can't find the right balance. I've talked to other women in my shoes and it seems to be a common theme. Having a family, owning a business, and trying to stay balanced and satisfied is really trying sometimes. Sorry if I sound like I'm complaining, I don't mean to. I'm very thankful for everything I have and the ability to do what I do. I've just been working hard on my agency trying to meet my goals and I had too much travel time today to think about all of the things at home I haven't been able to do or that I have missed.
The main problem is, Dalton has a doctors appointment tomorrow morning and I have a new girl starting at work and a conference call at 9:30. SO, Jeff is taking Dalton to the doctor and that just bothers me. I was wondering today if it was human nature to want what you don't have or is that greed. I think it's human nature or at least that's what I decided today somewhere between here and Tupelo.
I need to send the neighborhood home and get my herd in the house. We haven't had dinner. I told you I was a GREAT mom. Hug those babies tight. They grow up before you know it. Share your love and SHAKE & BAKE (I couldn't help it, it's on again tonight).
Yep, I'm a total redneck...It's 11:11 (oh my goodness, that's a special time) I just finished feeding my family Hamburger Helper and I'm watching NASCAR now. HA.
Monday, June 9, 2008

Partying like ROCKSTARS. I wonder who I was thinking I was in this picture.
Ok, so those were the pictures you asked for and I promised to deliver. These are the
So today, I hired a new girl at work. I sure hope it works out. Lord knows, I have needed someone, I just put it off as long as I could. My other camera battery came in today so they are charging. Hopefully, I will be able to take pictures soon. I found out today, I have to be in Tupelo in the a.m. at 10 for a class so I can pass this darn test.
It just started lightening and that cleared the neighborhood out of the pool. Savannah is going to try to spend the night with a little girl down the street. That never works but we keep trying. Mom's friend Jo is here spending the night with us.
I'm out to go study. Have a Terrific Tuesday and I'll holla when I get back!
Hug those babies and share some lovin!
By the way....Staci and Dawn....I'll be waiting for your embarrassing moments to be on your blog!