Today was MUCH better. I felt like a new woman when I got up today. I am exhausted tonight, but I'll take exhaustion any day.
Jeff got up and headed over to the new house about 7 this morning. I stayed behind to see how I was gonna feel and to take the kids to church if possible. It WAS possible!! Other than the blisters in the roof of my mouth and throat, I feel great.
I had a breakthrough moment at church today. The kids love this church we have been visiting, but Jeff and I have been struggling to connect. I've really been praying about it alot lately. It bothers me that I just haven't had that connection at church since we decided to find a new one. I finally connected today! They are doing a series called "Summer at the Movies". Each week, on Friday night they are showing movies on the lawn at the church....kinda like the old Drive-In. This week's movie was The Incredibles. (I love that movie.) The sermon was all about how to have an "incredible" family. You can't have an incredible family, without having an incredible self and how to be that way by "honoring" your spouse. Good Sermon!
After church, Dalton wanted to stay at home and clean (HA) and Savy and I headed over to the new house to join the others. Jeff's mom is a work horse and shows up every time we've been over there. Today, we also had the help of our dear friend Rohn and his brother who was visiting from L.A., Gene. Today was about 5 degrees cooler than yesterday and you can't imagine how much difference that made in that little house. We got a TON done today. I took some more pictures, but when I uploaded them, I realized that if you aren't planning on moving in in the next 18 days, it probably doesn't look like much. Since this is my "online journal", just humor me. The change is amazing FOR US.

We got alot more done than these pictures even show. All of these doors got painted and the closets!! We are heading back over there in the morning. Rohn is off work tomorrow and agreed to help us on his day off. SO the rest of us took off work, too. We hope to get most of the lime green painted tomorrow!! Wish us luck!! We have also decided to try to get through an FHA inspection with the kitchen that is there. We are afraid that if we cut that back wall out, we will put our closing date in jeopardy to get the whole kitchen back in. So, while it will be A MESS, the goal now, is to get through closing and moved into the rest of the house and THEN rip the kitchen out. We'll just have to eat out for a couple of weeks. I think I can manage. HA.
I took these pictures of Savannah in the truck on the way to the house. NO, not while I was driving. We were stopped. She talks ALOT, but she sure is cute.


Glad you're feeling better. The house is coming along. I can't wait to see pics of the finished product. And yes Savy G is a cutie.
house progress looks awesome!! I'm so glad u liked last week at church-- I felt the same way at first-- I had to tell myself there will not be another Hope-now I love church more than EVER- and it is such a great feeling having the kids love it so much too! I had a little boy in my class last wk and we went around the room and had 2 say one thing we are thankful for- and he said his friend Dalton--I asked him if he had a sis named Savannah--how sweet-he was talking about your Dalton--LOVE U!!!!
Wow the house is changing already.. I can't wait to see all the work in progress, so please con't with the pics as you go. I am sorry you have had a rough few days. I can't imagine trying to do all the work feeling like crap. LOVE Ms Savy's pics, she is a riot and oh so cute!
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