Tonight was a serious night. It was the night the weave came out. I decided this a.m. that today was the day for the weave to retire. It lasted 10 long hot summer days. It had a wonderful life sewed onto my scalp but all things must come to an end. I think retiring a weave is more painful than getting one. It takes half the time to remove it that it does to put it in. That would be 4 hours tonight. My mom took the first shift and I had to call in one of Charlie's Angels for the second shift. When mom's hands started shaking with those scissors, I knew she was not touching my head again. Luckily, Ashley's OCD is every bit as bad as mine and she considered the task of unbraiding my hair therapeutic.
This is what it looked like when mom got finished. It kind of reminds me of something you would see at the MED.
Ok, that picture FREAKS me out. I think it's going to give me nightmares. It's a good thing I didn't take my camera when I got this done. If I had known this was what it looked like I don't think it would have made it 10 days. This is what mom cut out....
Ashley was working hard...she is too funny. She was obsessed and didn't stop for a single break once she started and she worked on it a good two hours.
This was somewhere in the middle of the action. Look what we cut out of it. This is what Tiffany used to make the braids connect in because my hair was so short.
Check out my 'FRO'.....
Now that is scary!! Thanks to the team that made this weave possible. I couldn't have done it without all of your help. It looks like it probably stunk but I swear it didn't.
Hug your babies!!! and wash your hair...
1 comment:
Believe it or not...You lasted longer than i did --8 days for me!!!!
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