Monday, July 28, 2008
Sunday, THE DAY, I got up and everyone was in the den waiting for me. There was a huge brown box with a birthday card on it.....What could it be? I really didn't know. I thought vacation was my birthday present and little trip to the outlet mall. SO, I dug in.....YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT.
I got the Canon Rebel xTi with 5 different lenses a HUGE memory card a couple of tripods a remote control for the camera, two cases, extra batteries with the regualar chargers and car chargers and books and DVD's to teach me how to work it all. If only it had come with an expert to SHOW me how to use all of this, it would have been perfect. I'm just kidding, it IS perfect. Now I just have some more studying to do. I couldn't use it yesterday, because the battery had to charge all day but it is ready to go this a.m.
We stayed at the beach all day yesterday and all got just a little red. Not bad, but I think we are going to shop today and not hit the beach until late. It was amazing to spend my birthday at my favorite place on earth on a beautiful sunny day. I did try to swim out to a sand bar and the jellyfish would not hear of it. One wrapped its nasty little self around my right leg and ankle. OUCH. Oh well, the party must go on. I buried Savannah in the sand and she buried me. Dalton found two sand dollars. FUN FUN FUN. Then we went to eat at Hammerhead Freds, Another really cool spot, more oysters and more singing. HA (No hot flashes this time, I just embraced the moment) When we left, an intoxicated tourist decided he didn't like the fact that my family walked out in front of him in the parking lot, so he hit me with his car. While I was still in shock and trying to say, " He hit Me" Jeff was pulling him through his open car window with a hand down his throat. People came running from everywhere. All I can say is thank goodness for security and that they believed in an eye for an eye. They let Jeff go. Next time, I'll take my purse. I was sitting there thinking....I just got hit by a car, my husbands going to jail, I don't know where we are and I don't have a phone or my purse with me. Anyway, all is good, my hand and my hip are a little sore today: )
This morning I woke up to a 3 and 5 candle sticking up out of a cupcake in a paper bowl about to catch on fire with everyone singing happy birthday again. WOW. That's alot of birthdays.
Gotta run. Work is calling and the kids are about to climb the walls.
I'll work on the picture thing. We have lots.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Look at her long pretty hair...
OK, here is Ethel, don't forget, same breed, same family...(I had to get Dalton to get the treats out to get her to come out of hiding)
I hate to do this to you, but here is the problem....
I can't leave my baby Izzy out...Isn't she a cutie? (She got excited about the treats, too.)
As excited as I am about my vacation (only two more days of work) I'm gonna miss my girls.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Ok, that picture FREAKS me out. I think it's going to give me nightmares. It's a good thing I didn't take my camera when I got this done. If I had known this was what it looked like I don't think it would have made it 10 days. This is what mom cut out....
Ashley was working hard...she is too funny. She was obsessed and didn't stop for a single break once she started and she worked on it a good two hours.
This was somewhere in the middle of the action. Look what we cut out of it. This is what Tiffany used to make the braids connect in because my hair was so short.
Now that is scary!! Thanks to the team that made this weave possible. I couldn't have done it without all of your help. It looks like it probably stunk but I swear it didn't.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Fulfilling Sunday
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Sorry no pictures tonight. I'll have some tomorrow. The Allstate Acree Agency is sponsoring a pool party at the Vineyard Apartments tomorrow in Olive Branch. Having a cold and pool party don't sound like tons of fun, but the show must go on. I'm gonna try to go to the doc Monday and get one of those miracle sinus cocktail shots. I'm looking too forward to vacation to be sick now.
We had dinner tonight at the Seafood Junction. HA. It's an all you can eat FRIED buffet in Byhalia. I think there were more mullets in there than there were teeth. It was good at the time but my tummy is talking now.
Hope you all have a happy weekend. I'm taking my NyQuil self to bed. Goodnight.
Hug your babies tight, be thankful for everyday and share your love.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
GREAT NEWS! We talked to the owner of Turtle Boy in Alys Beach tonight for 45 minutes and got our vacation all lined up. Turtle Boy is what this family calls there beach house. I was on searching for a place to stay and this jumped out at me. It was as if it were calling my name. It had the most amazing description and was in a perfect location for the vacation I was dreaming of. On the questionable side, the rent is about $500 less than anywhere else close. That makes me a little nervous, but $500 is $500. I'm just looking forward to getting away. I want sand between my toes. I want to sweat and I pray it rains. I want to stand in the rain and just feel life without work or home or issues or anything else. I just want to enjoy my family.


Monday, July 14, 2008
A Little Catching Up

Dalton got home on Friday and we left for the lake on Saturday morning. We had a great time with some friends from way back. Jeff's best friend from college has a house on the Tennessee River and we went to play with him and his two boys and a friend. My camera batteries were dead when we got there and headed to the lake. I missed some amazing pictures of the kids skiing and tubing. We even saw a bald eagle perched on a tree stump in the middle of the river. Can you believe I missed that opportunity? I did snap a few at dinner and of the kids playing.

We really had a great time and it was a much needed mental break for me. Did I mention Dalton lost another tooth? Friday night.
I'm already thinking of things I've left out.....
Sunday, July 13, 2008

For those of you that have known me a long time...I'm sure this doesn't shock you at all. For the rest of you, while I've never done this, hair changes are my way of dealing with stress. The problem is, a couple of years ago I got major stressed and cut all my hair OFF. I've been trying to grow it back ever since but I can't get past the brown hair helmet stage. I get a short bob going and then cut it all off again because I look like I'm wearing a brown hair helmet. SO, we are going to try it this way for a little bit. Go ahead laugh, I am. Mom says I look Chinese now because it is so tight. HA! She came in tonight and asked me if I had gotten Botox or something. Humm...must be a good thing. I got hair and a face lift. I'm feeling better about that birthday thats knocking loudly on the door now. AND, I won't even attempt to tell you everything I learned at The Barber Shop: ) We have a lot of catching up to do.
P.S. The beach countdown has begun!!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I'm going to get my baby at 6:30 in the morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Could you hear that? I'm going to get my little boy that didn't write a single letter to his mom all week and has probably had the best time of his life. I, on the other hand, completely lost it tonight at Outback and sat in the booth and CRIED. I had a total melt down. Of course Dalton being gone wasn't the only factor in my public display of total insanity, but it certainly didn't help. Oh, and by the way, I will probably never show my face at that restaurant again. I'm just not a big cry baby. Actually, it usually only happens when I am mad. I don't know what happened tonight. I really probably do but the list is so long I don't want to blow up blogspot.
Ya know, I've been thinking, maybe I complain too much on here. I read other people's blogs and try to keep up with friends and such and they usually just seem so happy and everything seems to go so smoothly...not me. I'm sure everyone has that side and maybe they just choose to keep it off of here. I'm just trying to keep it real and sometimes real isn't pretty. Speaking of pretty, my face is broken out, that extra 10 pounds has taken up permanent residence on my backside and 35 is just a couple of weeks away. If anyone has a remedy for all of this, I'd be happy to hear it.
Izzy has an intestinal flu, that really stinks, literally. My baby birds have left the nest. They were all piled up in there and I wanted to get a picture so badly. When I made it out there with my camera they were gone and have not come back. That's a good thing in a way. Now, I can get the nest down and paint the side porch. I was also beginning to fear histoplasmosis from all of the birdie droppings. A new hummingbird is hanging out with us. (Are these some random thoughts or what?) I have an idea for a new blog banner that Jessi has so kindly offered to help me with. Be on the lookout...I'll save the rest for another day. I just want my baby back home. I'm out of control without my brood.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Yesterday Camp Stunk, Today it Sucks!
A LOT happened today, maybe even too much. First, I got to spend the day with SavyG. That in itself was enough, but there was much more in store for July 7, 2008. Some interesting things my daughter told me today, hummm, Mom, your nose looks like an ice cream cone with a ball on the end of it. Mom, you have a lot of meat on your back.... When I got in the shower she pointed and said, Jiggly. Have I ever mentioned how sweet she is and how much I love her? OK, all of that aside, we cleaned top to bottom around here today. We bought a new rug for the den and rearranged the furniture. We cleaned out the pantry. We took two large garbage bags of clothes to the cleaners and both got our hair cut. We changed our minds, in true Acree female fashion, about our vacation. We nixed the cruise and decided to head for the beach instead. (I'm supposed to be finding a condo instead of blogging right now.) We painted all of our nails, put together a care package for Dalton and endured a short power outage.
On most days, just that would have worn me out, but today, with the stress of my little boy being away from home for the first time ever, I also stepped completely out of my comfort zone on a professional level (and did you notice, I didn't "go" to work today).
An opportunity for a large expansion of the Allstate Acree Agency has layed itself in my lap. Let me back up a little. I have ONE more "small" hurdle in my career as an Allstate Agent. On August 20th, I have to take my Series 6 exam and PASS it as my final leg of this journey to fulfill my Securities Licensing requirement for my contract. By the way, that is not a small hurdle. Maybe if I were 23 and single and still used to studying it would be a medium size hurdle. Instead I am quickly approaching 35, married, mother of 2, and a small business owner. That was a condensed version. OK, so NOW, I have to pass this test AND work out all of the details of a buyout. This is an amazing opportunity, but I have to wonder about God's sense of humor in the timing of this particular twist of fate. I have no choice in this matter, if I let this opportunity pass there will not be another one and I would HATE myself for it. This doesn't happen everyday and I have pursued it. I was, however, pursuing for the first of the year. NOT October. I have read many passages and heard multiple sermons on "God time" and this afternoon after "the call" I just had to sit down and laugh....and then clean the hell out of my house. Tonight all of the questions of whether or not I can handle it are going through my mind. So much for a leisurely schedule or even a day off for quite a while. I struggle with being a mom and a business owner often. Finding a good balance is particularly difficult and then you are still a human yourself....
Thanks for listening to my brain that you are totally confused...I feel as though I've just left a therapy session.
Hug your babies (I miss mine) and share your love.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
That is Dalton's best buddy Jacob. I don't think he would have cared if he had a friend there or not. This kid was walking on air today.
I hope I wasn't the only tacky one to notice that he was living in the "Butt" cabin for the week. I am certain that Friday morning can't get here soon enough. My voice shakes when I talk and I have what my Grandmother calls a "Nervous Nelly" rash.
Ok, time to start moving furniture. I'm either going to take a Xanax or this house is gonna be spectacular by the end of the week. Can you imagine when he gets married? Hopefully they will have really good drugs by then or I will learn some amazing coping mechanisms! : )
Hug your babies (if they are home) and share your love.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Fun times were had by all!! Check out the Acree Family Abs!!! We like livin' THICK. HA! (Now, that's what I call brave. This is the first step to admission that you don't have the perfect body anymore....posting your picture on your blog) At least I still have a sense of humor.
Well, tomorrow we are driving to Henderson TN to drop Dalton off at Freed Hardeman for the week for camp. Dalton is excited and I'm about to FREAK OUT. In true Kacy fashion, I guess I'll get up tomorrow and head to Henderson and just act like everything is normal. I don't know how else to do it. I don't guess diving into bed and hiding under the covers will keep my little boy from growing up. Why are mom's so protective of their little boys? If Savannah was going, I wouldn't be worried one bit. I'd be helping her pack her stuff and drop her off. I'd miss her just the same, but I wouldn't be "worried". Instead, I'm packing Dalton's stuff and if there were any way possible I could get out of this I would. I'm gonna be worried sick and miss him terribly.
Stella has a really bad cough. I'm getting worried about her. Even her bark is hoarse. Yesterday, (I didn't take a single picture on the 4th of July. I told you I haven't been myself) Mallory was walking around with a chicken leg and then nobody could find it. I'm thinking Stella ate it and I've always been told that dogs shouldn't eat chicken bones because they splinter. Humm, I guess we'll just keep a watch on that little situation.
Mom is in St. Louis visiting with her friend Patty. I think she's coming home Tuesday. She left early this a.m. We are all huddled up here doing laundry and watching NASCAR. Just the way this mom likes it.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Hug your babies and share your love.