Forgive me, I haven't slept quite 4 hours out of the last 30....

"I'm all jacked up on
Mountain Dew!" "I'm gonna come after YOU, like a spider monkey!!"
So, this is what Prednisone does to me....THESE ARE A FEW OF MY FAVORITE THINGS.
The "fairy" showed up in a major way today! I even moved the furniture and cleaned!! I'll get back to that..(you didn't expect me to sit still did you?)

This is what we woke up to this morning...out of the clear blue. Do all
meteorologist have this much trouble? or is it just the one's in Memphis? That's MYRTLE!
The kids had a blast...(I don't know what is up with the picture thing and blogger...anybody else having trouble?) The picture above is looking to the right standing on my front porch!! How cool?

Savannah FINALLY got her chance to make Snow Angels! (PtL!)

This is our view to the left

...out front...

...and out back!!
My view was limited to the front porch and out the windows! I was riding this high ALL day and I wasn't about to mess it up by playing outside and getting cold and wet! I cleaned house and did laundry!! Trust me, we needed it. I was about to have to break down and call Merry Maids! These three that live with me are really good at making a mess, but they lack some serious skills when it comes to cleaning it back up!
Today, I switched the rug in the den out with the one in the kitchen...I like it better. When I asked Jeff what he thought, he said, "Yeah, do you think we are leaving any colors of the rainbow out?"
WELL, actually YES...I still have more to make...

...but we'll save that for another day! You see now why my bad days are so bad? My mind stays busy! It doesn't have RA! I've spent 35 years multi-tasking and staying up all night to finish projects. I get really frustrated when the body doesn't cooperate with the mind. Today was welcomed relief!
I had a little "God Wink" today, too. I've been praying for my head to clear of negativity. I've been asking specifically for something tangible to see, touch or feel that would help push me on the bad days. I sort of found that today. I have a new blog follower whose name is
Lesli. She left me a comment today and introduced herself and her family. I spent some time reading her story this morning and was so thankful I did. She has a beautiful little angel named
Ayla, who is 3, and was diagnosed with
JRA at 18 months.
Ayla and I have a lot in common, including ALL of our
meds. I've said before that the one positive thing I had to hold on to was 35 years of NOT dealing with this. I don't personally know anyone with it right now. When I go to the doctor, every one is old and I'm sort of a novelty there. I've written to the magazines about putting more focus on my age group...I have a hard time identifying with gray headed women in
SAS shoes and cardigans. I know people that know people with RA....and now it's time for me to meet them. Lesli, thank you for reaching out today. Your family is beautiful!! (and your style is
Finding it....
YES, I am posting on my own blog, simply b/c it drives me BONKERS, that I started that blog at 7:52 p.m. and finished it at 11:11!! Yes, I got side tracked MANY times, but this picture thing is messed up!
You are too funny!! I am so glad that my message helped and that we are new bloggy friends even though you made me tear up when reading this post! Wow, that is alot of snow, I am glad that the kiddo's got to go outside and enjoy it!
I also wanted to let you know that if you go on the Arthritis Association board, there is a board where you can communicate with other people who have RA. I am on the JRA board and have met a ton of people! I am sure it would be nice for you to talk to someone your own age...anyway, if you can't find the link just let me know and I will send it to you!
Oh yeah and I know how you feel about certain people cleaning up after themselves..I have been complaining to my son all morning, I just want him to pick his clothes up off the floor.. THATS ALL, you wouldn't think that would be hard to do, but obviously it
Have a good day!!
AW! I'm glad Lesli found you thru me!! Looks like yall have a lot in common as well!! Im so glad you are feeling better!! I texted you earlier.......MALLORY asked me today when we were driving.."wheres Kacy".....I thought it was so sweet......she even said your full name!! And i said shes at work and she said I love kacy!AWWW!!! LOVE YOU!
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