Today has just been one of THOSE!! You know "those". I got up at 6 a.m. which is no small feat for me. I have never been a morning person and with this RA diagnosis I became even less of one. It typically takes me a little while to stretch out in the morning and start walking normally. My morning gait is similar to that of C3PO. My new med (Lyrica) seems to be helping in that category although it makes me sleepy and tad bit spaced out...OK maybe more than a tad bit. The night before last, after taking my medicine, I typed a pretty long email to a friend and sent it to myself....SPACE CADET!! Anyway, I had to be at the hospital early today for an abdominal ultrasound, but I'll get to that in a minute. As I'm getting ready, I run completely out of my favorite lipstick. You know how you dig down in the tube with a brush to get the very last little bit out...that proves it was a fave!! So I chunked it. Knowing that I didn't have a lipstick, I made a point to pick one up today. Here is what I came up with....
OK, so abdominal ultrasound...I basically have morning sickness. I'll be driving along in the truck, everything is cool, and then, stop the press, pull over and bluaaaak....clean up and keep on going. Showering in the morning, bluaaaak. On the way home from dinner, pull over, bluaaak. No rhyme or reason....sooooo, everything checked out this morning. It was all good. Of course, there are kidney stones on both sides, but those little boogers are cool until they start moving. Right now, we have no movement, so it's all good. I started a beta blocker yesterday to slow this nutty heart rate down. It's been bouncing around from 100 to 130 since last Wednesday. The thyroid checked out fine (good news) so we are blaming it on steroids and stress.
I've decided to change my diet up a bit. Red meat leads to an inflammatory response in the body, so I quit eating it. I'd like to call myself more of a vegetarian, but I'm not quite there. Tonight for dinner I had this...
I'm really impressed with you braveheart lurkers. THANK YOU for introducing yourselves. All of you found me though MO which ultimately means you found me through Jake. What an amazing testimony to that child. I'm glad I make you all laugh. That isn't my intention but I gravitate toward people that make me laugh as well. Jake and his family had a dramatic impact on my life. I don't know if you all know the story, but I didn't know Jake or his family. I had followed his CaringBridge for a month or so at the encouragement of another St. Jude child I knew. I prayed for Jake everyday and sometimes more than once a day. I felt led to go meet his family and to do whatever I could to help them. I knew Hunter and Hayden were at the hospital and trying to kill each other with pool sticks. I thought maybe I could get them out of there for a bit and give Don and Staci a break. Jake was on a ventilator fighting a fungal infection. I walked into that hospital a total stranger and walked out after meeting Jake and spending time with him with his two older brothers. I brought them home with me that day and we went swimming and cooked out!! We had a blast and I took them back about 10 p.m. I made new friends for life. Jake never left St. Jude after we met that day until he went home for his remaining few days. I spent many nights and Saturdays or Sundays visiting with Jake or making jewelry with Mo or playing games with the boys or watching movies with Staci or just cleaning up the waiting room after all of that nights visitors left. Jake came off the vent and we got to "officially" meet. He was watching SpongeBob on a laptop and wasn't real into our "meeting". I was so happy to see him sitting up in bed, I wouldn't have cared if he stuck his tongue out at me. I was honored that Staci taught me how to wash my hands and let me visit with him in the ICU. Even when Jake was his sickest, she always took me to see him. She let me hold his hand and talk to him or sing to him or just pray over him. What an honor!!
SO, Suzi from New Baltimore MI, yes, I ran in the St. Jude Marathon two years. I broke my foot the second year and have since developed RA so I don't run anymore. Now my kids run for Jake. They met him, too. If you identify with my crazy life and have teenagers, for heavens sake, you should blog, too. Start one and try it. You might just like it. Feel free to lurk anytime you like. I promise, I'll never call you out on it again. Like I said, anonymity is powerful in some cases.
Kim in Spring Lake Park MN, I love Mo AND Jessi. I told Jessi if she ever wants to move further north, I'd hire her!! We all know Mo is the bomb, but Jessi rocks herself. She designed my banner for my blog. It's about time for a new one. I need to give her a shout. She also designed some stuff for my Etsy store that I have never gotten up and running. She did all that for me last summer right before we moved and since my craft room isn't functional yet....well, I haven't gotten to it.
Maria, if you want the deal that tracks who visits your blog...go HERE. Click on widgets and then choose what you want and click on Add to Blogger. It's easy. Call my cellular metal if you get confused.
Nice to hear from you again, Renee from South Louisiana. I don't consider you a lurker. You talk to me from time to time. Thanks for the love. I have several Louisiana folks that show up. Which town are you in?
Jonesboro? Is that you Jenny? I know you are in Arkansas, but I think Radstitches is, too. AND, who is in Jackson MS??????? Come out Come out whoever you are????!!!! If you are a FB'r, click on my link and be a fan of my AGENCY, PLEASE. If you do it by the end of the day Friday, you'll be in the drawing for some TShirts. I need to get to 100 fans!! I have just over 60 in the first 24 hours, NOT too bad.
Congratulations if you made it through this long post. You deserve a prize if you did. I guess these new meds make me wordy, too. They sure do make me feel better!! TG tomorrow is F!! Make it a good one.
It is amazing how Jake's story has brought so many people into meeting. Anyway, I'm in Prairieville, La-- a fast growing area in between Baton Rouge and New Orleans.
BUT I was your #1 FAN! Yup that would be moi!!! Always will be that #1 fan, foreva and eva!!! I need to get back on my blog.....I really do.....i miss it!! Even though I am quite boring
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