Sunday, February 28, 2010
Broken Hearted!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Jeff picked the girl up at 9 this morning (from a party where she went to sleep at 4) to take her to another party from 10:30 till 12:30. I, on the other hand, took the boy to Taekwondo at 10:30. Then we all met up for the girl's indoor soccer game at 3. She played well considering the state of exhaustion she was in. The boy was asked to join the Extreme Team at Taekwondo and he accepted. That starts next week. Did I mention the girl has had soccer practice EVERY day this week and again tomorrow? WOW, welcome back to the full swing of life MOM.
Then, the cat is sick again. I haven't been home all week to notice any strange behavior or extra clingyness. BUT, last night after a near mental breakdown over the state of my computers at work and buying gifts for parties I knew nothing of (the invites were lost in her room which at this point should just be condemned) and getting her to the party and taking Dalton to exchange some things at Wal-Mart, I was really looking forward to climbing in bed. I climbed into bed with a nice fat puddle of cat pee. THAT is a sure fire sign that Tony is sick. That means, "YO woman, I've done everything I am capable of trying to show you that I am not well, and you have not noticed, but guess what? I happen to know this gets your attention in a MAJOR way." Of course, he had to pull that trick on Friday night when the vet doesn't open up until Monday. And yes, he has been up under my chin every moment I have been home. Last night Jeff and I slept on the mattress with no sheets. It was kind of ole school. I don't even think we owned sheets back in the early days of marriage. Somehow, at this point in our marriage we only own one set and last night they were in the washer and then dryer and I was just too tired to put them back on the bed. I did make a note to self to pick up another set of sheets.
Tomorrow's schedule is almost as hairy as today's. Good times, huh? NOW, I need your help. I have when you are 36 (I think that's how old I am....I might be 37...but I'm just gonna be 35 till I'm 40...I like multiples of 5) what kind of jeans do you wear? Especially when you've hit double digits in size. That was a dark day, but one I've just come to accept. I don't know how to dress double digits, but I've got to learn and I'm not going to pay a fashion consultant. My expertise seems to be with the single digits. AND, how many sets of sheets should one have for each bed? When we moved, we all switched things up to maximize the space we were moving into. Somehow in that process, we all ended up with one set of sheets for our beds. I typically change the beds all in one day and it works out, but I would like to have a spare pair and it would be much easier. Somehow, in all of my years I never learned how many sheet sets one should have. Also, shouldn't you have a deciduous tree in your front yard? I'm very troubled by this. I believe you are and I do. My entire lot is surrounded by trees...lots of trees including the front of the house all the way around to either side of the driveway...both of the driveways as a matter of fact. On the left of the drive is a big tree, on the right of the driveway is the biggest crepe myrtle I've ever seen. It is lovely and could be even lovelier it were trimmed and shaped up. BUT, I just don't think it is supposed to be in the middle of my front yard. Thoughts???? We have some yard clean up and work and of course exterior painting and such to do this spring. So this is becoming more and more on my mind. ALSO, painted brick??? We have no choice in painting the brick on this house. It is positively horrific as it stands now and plus we will be adding brick to make the porch more aesthetically pleasing and we can't match this brick circa 1965. I've got a very pale yellow in mind which scares my family. My color choices always scare my family and then they love them when it's all said and done. You know, lime green in the whole house with an orange kitchen and slate counter tops. They were freaking out and now they love it. You should have seen Jeff's face when I had him go order brown and linen Tunisia for the curtains in the living room with the lime green walls!! HA! The house has extensive flower beds...a really large tall bricked in flower bed that I want to add another level to. I'm thinking if the house is a pale yellow with a brown roof and a lighter off white trim and red front door, some broad use of colors in the flower beds will bring it all together. Can you tell I'm getting excited about Spring. I am a flower freak, which you know if you've been reading with me awhile. That's a lovely trait I inherited from my Grandmother. I even found a couple of planters for the front porch I really liked today.
The girl and I are watching movies. She's worn out and I'm experiencing a little intestinal distress (TMI?). I see an early night in our future. Izzy is at my feet and Tony is trying to take over the laptop (poor guy is not feeling well). Actually now, the girl is shaving the hair out of her dads ears. Isn't it interesting how life changes?
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Who are You? Who? Who? (Think CSI)
I'm gonna keep this short tonight, but I have a question. I installed this Feedjit thing on here because I saw it on someone else's blog and thought it was pretty neat. Actually they had a map of the USA on there with dots on it where people had visited from. I didn't end up with that, but instead got a feed of where folks were from. I know I have many more readers than are actual "followers" and that is fine....TRUST ME...I like anonymity (I'm gonna FALL OUT. I spelled that right on the first try). BUT, some of these places I have never even heard of and others I don't even know folks that live in these places. Please leave me a note and introduce yourself, PLEASE! I don't expect comments ever. I honestly don't even write for you...this is a journal for myself and my family and most of the time it just turns out to be a bit comical. I give Jeff and these crazy kids all of the glory for that. Now who lives in Mount Juliet, TN because you seem to be a regular. I don't even know where Rochester MI is and I know I don't send you a Christmas card???? How did you end up reading about my family? I do know where Boliver TN is but I didn't know I knew anyone there either. And what about Seymour WI and New Baltimore MI and Osseo Minnesota? Come on guys....introduce yourselves, I promise I don't bite!! I'm a germophobe.
Ya'll have a good night, you lurkers, you!
Monday, February 22, 2010
The top one was pretty good but that little briefcase could easily be confused as an overnight bag, which to me means business trip, but to some could be confused as "a fun time". The second one shows how much a mom has to juggle. Yeah, well, how about being that mom AND a business owner. Sometimes it gets a little complicated. Today was one of those times. A particular member of management had an appointment that HE set with me today at 9 a.m. I spent all weekend preparing for that meeting to make sure I maximized the time we had allotted. Instead, he showed up after 1 p.m. Jeff had me pick the kids up from school today. I had another MALE agent (are you starting to see a trend?) call me on my cell this afternoon after I had picked up the kids. We were on a serious search for Silly Bandz. While I was discussing my retention ratio with him, I was talking to Dalton about his Bandz out of the other side of my mouth. HE asked me how I could switch gears that fast! Ya know, you just do it, and most days you do it in a three inch heel. While overwhelming at times, I can't imagine life any other way. When my babies were actually babies, I stayed home for 3 years. That was the best decision for my family and what I thought I wanted. In hindsight, I nearly lost my mind. I wouldn't trade that time for anything in this world or beyond, but I don't think I could do it again. Jeff and I had a serious conversation about it last year. As the kids are getting older, there are times when I feel like it might be best for them for me to be home NOW. It's a constant internal struggle. Jeff and I also came to the conclusion rather quickly, that after about two weeks, I would pull my hair out and then it wouldn't be a positive experience for anyone involved. The good thing is, I can leave to go pick up my kids ANY day of the week. I really do have the best of both worlds.
I am now officially the ONLY female Allstate Agent in Desoto County. There are eight of us, seven men and me! My meeting in Nashville last week was interesting. Us girls are few and far between. We had four breakout sessions with panels of four people speaking in each one. Oh, and a "moderator" in each session. All four "moderators" And of the sixteen panel members only two were women. To say the football analogy was over used would be a terrible understatement. UGGGHHHH! It's frustrating at times. I think it's time to read a book I read when I began this venture..."How to Pitch Like a Girl". Sorry about that tangent. I just did an awful lot of juggling today that MOST of my colleagues don't have to deal with and in turn, don't understand or appreciate.
OK, time to lighten the mood. THIS has been in my head all night long. And then, Savannah and I were trying to watch the Bachelor (and ALL of its ridiculousness) when THIS came on. I fell out of the bed laughing and Savannah spent the rest of the night doing her own reenactment. Who watches this show? I never have until now and actually didn't start until about two or three weeks ago. It is a total train wreck. You know the kind of story that is just terrible, but you can't look away. It's AWFUL but I am enjoying every minute and I'm on pins and needles. I told Jeff tonight if Jake picks Vienna he better restrain me because I really may go through the TV. I'm a true believer in love at first sight, but not on a television show where women or men were picked for you off a piece of paper (oh and for rating purposes). No Thanks!
Whew, it's been an interesting day. I read somewhere online today that it was National Margarita Day. I didn't do any looking into that but it sure sounded kinda good. Too bad I don't drink. Instead I had an Icee! You gotta love a good Icee.
OK, long day, gonna be a long week. Savannah had soccer practice tonight with the rec team she is playing with. She has practice with them again tomorrow night and then practice with the RUSH team on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday (I think. Jeff if you are reading, call me about that. He's snoring right now, or I would ask.) Dalton has Taekwondo tomorrow and Wednesday night. AND Dalton has 3 books to read over the next three weeks (which means I have to read them to). UGGHHHH. Fast paced, is there any other way? I guess summer will be here soon enough and the children will be yelling, "I'm bored" in no time.
Hope you survived your Monday!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Quiet Day
I'm home alone. THAT NEVER HAPPENS. Savannah went to the DCMS pageant with her best friend. Jeff took Dalton and picked up one of his best buddies for a night of bowling and pizza. I opted to stay behind. I'm working on some rest. I did go wash my truck today. After the trip to Nashville and yet another good snow, it was in really bad shape. I believe after sanitizing the inside that my recent illness was most likely from a pathogen that originated in the interior of that vehicle.
That recent illness seems to be passing. PtL!!! I haven't had any fever today and my heart has decided to take on a more normal rhythm. No fever = less aches and pains and normal heart rate = fewer anxious feelings...all in all, a MUCH better day. The laundry is if only that House Fairy would show up, I'd be doing great. I hope to get that taken care of tomorrow and then I'll be ready to start a fabulous week. Oh, how I want my routine back!! I've been working hard the last few days, to put some measures in place to encourage that routine to flow smoothly. I'll admit it's been good for my soul. It's nice to have a feeling of some control in your life instead of feeling as though you are being jerked around and shredded by your own life. It makes me think of the song we have sang so many times in church and in the car, "It is Well with My Soul". That's one of my favorites.
I'm off to the land of more rest and Olympics. Actually, I have that song playing in the background now, and I think I'll lay here with my eyes closed for a while and just enjoy. Try it if you'd like. I find it refreshing.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Catching Up
It's the end of an era. I got my hair cut last week. Ashlee (my amazing hip hairstylist) curled my hair and I really liked it. I was going to give it a try so I pulled the ole curling iron from HIGH SCHOOL out to give it a whirl. It doesn't work anymore....I almost cried. I know I teared up.
I'm sad about the Ole Miss player that died today at practice. He was a graduate of the school across the street from my office. I can't begin to imagine what his family must be going through.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010

The kids had a blast...(I don't know what is up with the picture thing and blogger...anybody else having trouble?) The picture above is looking to the right standing on my front porch!! How cool?
Savannah FINALLY got her chance to make Snow Angels! (PtL!)
This is our view to the left
...out front...
...and out back!!
My view was limited to the front porch and out the windows! I was riding this high ALL day and I wasn't about to mess it up by playing outside and getting cold and wet! I cleaned house and did laundry!! Trust me, we needed it. I was about to have to break down and call Merry Maids! These three that live with me are really good at making a mess, but they lack some serious skills when it comes to cleaning it back up!
Today, I switched the rug in the den out with the one in the kitchen...I like it better. When I asked Jeff what he thought, he said, "Yeah, do you think we are leaving any colors of the rainbow out?"
Finding it....
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Soccer Day!!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010
Mission Accomplished
I took about 100 pictures today but this one sums it up! I had a fabulous day shopping with friends! I shopped ALL day today. I shopped with my daughter and my best friend and her mother and her daughter. We shopped in two states and came out victorious!!! Today's mission was a cocktail dress and a pageant gown for Miss Olive Branch 2010. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. Haleigh, thank you again for including me in your quest for "THE" dress. Considering Haleigh is a size 00 (yes, as in double zero) and MOST dresses start at a 0 and you don't even get into having a selection until you hit a 2 or 4, the majority of pictures that were taken are not Internet appropriate. Well, they are, but she would kill me. Bless her heart, they hung off of her and she either had me or her grandmother tugging on straps or wadding up fabric in the back so she and her mother could use their imaginations to "picture" it altered and fitting like a glove. I, of course, would never show the dresses we picked and given the nature of this pageant and the competition involved will not even share the colors.
SO, all that said, here I sit in bed at 9:17 with a wad of tissue trying to figure out what has happened to me. Keeping it real....I'M ANGRY. I hurt all over. I have two huge knots in my left hand that showed up this afternoon while driving home. My body is not keeping up with my mind and it's about to make me nuts. In days gone by, I would have made that shopping accomplishment and come home and run circles around it (the house that is) with energy and excitement for what we had got done. PAGEANT DRESSES, are you kidding me? Hair, makeup accessories and all that it entails....can you say N-I-R-V-A-N-A? A valid reason to shop two states in ONE day? I've only wanted to design and consult my whole life. Now, I can't figure out how in the world I will pull off church tomorrow and Savannah's soccer practice. Forget the Superbowl! That's not even on my radar. If I can hold my eyes open by that time, great, I'll watch it from right here, but I wouldn't dream of making plans. I'm beat and I'm letting it frustrate me.
Sorry for venting, but thank you for allowing me the cyberspace to do it. I guess it's time to find the polish and fix my...