We have had a wonderful Easter Weekend! I hope yours has been the same.
I decided to make a new tradition. This past week, I discovered that my children thought an Easter egg was of the plastic variety and that what made it an Easter egg was if it had candy or better yet, money in it. HUMMM, where did I go wrong as a parent? SO, I decided to host the First Annual Easter Egg Dyeing Party. I don't know who had more fun....the children or the parents.

How fun was this!!! My breakfast room is currently empty. So, I thought it would be cool to convert it into an "Egg Room". The kids thought it was SUPER cool. Five dozen eggs later and a colorful vinyl tablecloth and we had a party on our hands. We had egg dye everywhere, including up our noses.
In true "Aunt Kacy" fashion, the marshmallows were flowing and the kids were moving faster and faster. Is there anything better than 1 to 4 year olds on extreme sugar highs?
Nash and his Uncle Jeff share some sort of unspoken bond! Jeff is like the Nash Whisperer.
Shane and Ashley were taking there "ARTISTRY" very seriously.

That's MY baby cousin! Is she gorgeous or what?
Bradley and Maria and the girls got to come, too. Poor Mallory was miserable, but she was SO good. She has horrible allergies and they had spent the night at Maria's aunt's house and she has a cat.
Oh, and guess what? Georgia's walking!!!!

I think if Mallory could have gotten her hands on a stick to scratch her nose she would have! Poor baby, it was making her NUTS!
What's up Baby Brother Bradley? Oh, are you eating again?
Somehow, I missed getting a picture of Maria at the Egg Party, but I got her today at my Grandmothers. Maria, you look awesome!!

Oh my goodness!! I almost forgot. Jeff got me an Easter Gift. I know...pick yourself up out of the floor and just keep reading. Trust me, I about crapped my pants when he told me this morning. I have been BEGGING for a sewing machine. I have had him shopping on eBay for me and comparing prices on ALL kinds. He and I are both weird when it comes to purchases like this. His mom owned a professional alterations shop for years. I've asked for one of her old ones but that still hasn't happened so I've begun the arduous task of researching and making the decision on my own. ANYWAY, Jeff told me this morning he had gotten me one. My whole body went numb with excitement and I was seeing spots. Then he brought it to me.
I mean he went all out and even got me the 4 batteries I needed. Thank you Jeff. HA!
OK, back to Easter...We had more than one place to visit today as we usually do on holidays. First, we went to Mammy and Pops! (Jeff's Grandparents) They managed to get an Easter Egg hunt in before the rain.

Jeff's little sister, Krystle, is getting married in 4 short weeks. She and her soon to be dear hubby, Whitt, just put a contract on their first house yesterday! Somehow, I managed to get out of there today without your picture Krystle and I am so sorry. You looked gorgeous! Here is her man, Whitt. Quite the handsome fellow, I think.
Then, we headed over to my Grandmother's house. Dalton and Savannah hid eggs for Mallory and Georgia in the living room. The rain had started by the time we got there but we made it work. Mallory was feeling better.
Little Miss Georgia was showing me and "telling" me all about that precious belly button of hers.

Sorry for the long post...we've had too much fun this weekend! I am so thankful for a wonderful family and all of these great kids.
We had an "odd" moment yesterday. We put the house on the market about a month and a half ago and that is just a weird situation anyway. We haven't even thought about moving. Jeff and I heard about some land for sale and were interested in it because of the location and honestly we were shocked at the price. Yesterday morning, after breakfast, we decided to just go ahead and take a look at it. We drove down there and as we were walking the land we got a call that our house was going to be shown at noon. It was really ironic. The first time we went to look at something was the first time our house showed. HA.
After all of the fun, I've got mounds of laundry to get to and I'm exhausted. Savannah said she thinks she needs an extra day off to recover from all of the festivities. And just to keep everything real, the cat threw up in my bed! YUCK.
Peace, Kacy
awww-I love your easter blog-we had a blast---i love this new tradition!!!!
Girl you give MONEY for Easter? You are da bomb sistah!I won't tell my kids cuz I so suck rofl. Looks like you had a great time. I wanna be in your family lol.
Your Savvy girl looks just like you in the pic of the two of1 you. Glad you had a great weekend
Thanks for sharing your Easter with me! My good computer is SCREWED UP right now, so I am on the kids computer with NO pictures... well, I think no pictures.. I may have to check this thing out cause it does have a webcam thingy on it! HUM there is a thought!
Great post..Looks like lots of fun with family. The pictures are great!
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