How cool is that? I love the snow, but I'm glad we only get it occasionally.
I didn't count, I'm not sure if there were more dads or more kids. I think there were more dads but only because some of the girls on the street had spent the night out with friends last night. We were a little short on girls today.
Who is the fat guy in the little hat? Oh, that's Jeffrey Michael wearing Dalton's hat.
When I'm cold, one of my top priorities is to stay dry. For some reason, the kids were drawn to the creek. It was like crack. They would come back up the hill, complaining because they were wet and the next thing you know they were heading back down there. Dalton kept packing the ditch with snow and then watch it all get washed away again.
SavyG and Katie were the only girls around today! They let Mr. Danny and Cole pull them around. Mr. Danny is Katie's daddy so he knows you have to be a little more gentle with the girlies.
Even Mr. Dennis came over with his little ones. They live one street over and Mr. Dennis is always out wanting to have fun, but his kids are on the younger side. I guess they will be the next generation of Cherokee Valley.Austin Riley would not let go. That kid is a nut and 110% boy. I'd be scared to death if I was his mama. That boy isn't scared of anything and will try just about everything. Oh, well, what am I talking about? I have Savannah. Austin's the one that mastered a full gainer off my diving board last summer. Today, he went sledding behind the four wheeler without a sled. He went a few laps. I'm pretty sure he froze his future children. He lifted his jacket and just had ice around his long underwear.

Even Cartman from SouthPark stopped by and Savannah had her picture taken with him. I'm kidding, THAT'S ME. That's one of Jeff's old FedEx JumpSuits. All the kids wanted to know where I was going skydiving. All I know, is I was sweating.
See the gas can sitting next to her. That's because I ran her slap out of gas on Friday. I was cruising down Goodman Road and she said, "What up Ho? I'm old and I'm done for the day." HA!! It is too fun. My new St. Jude tag just came in. She came complete with all of the stickers. I like one of them, it says...Men are temporary Dance is forever...
I'm all into American Idol again. So far Danny and Alexis Grace are my front runners. I'm upset that Norman Gentle didn't make it through, but I'm hoping he'll pick up a wild card. He is hysterical.
Have a good week.
I almost forgot to share another fabulous Savannah moment from this week. Friday night Dalton had a lock-in at Taekwondo. He and Gabe went and had a blast. By the way, Dalton is testing Wednesday for his yellow belt. He's really doing awesome. Anyway, after we dropped the boys off, Savannah wanted Chinese food. We went to Hunan's in Olive Branch. It's only packed on a Friday night. Anyway, we were sitting in a booth toward the front of the restaurant when Savannah busted out with OHHHH, Kacy! Ohhhhh, Kacy! I looked around and told her to shut up. So, of course, she did it a little louder. OHHHH KACY! OHHHH KACY! I said Jeff make her stop. He was dying laughing and then she tore into an OHHHHH JEFFF! We kept telling her to shut up and she just asked why and got louder. I finally had to tell her she sounded like she was HAVING SEX! She turned bright red and then said no wonder everybody was looking at us. I've decided to start taking donations to have her put to sleep. If you think you can help us, please let me know.
1 comment:
Love the bug! you'll have to give me a ride when we come that way. I can't believe you guys had snow. I'm so jealous. Our weather today was great. Although I wish old man weather would make up his cold hot cold!!! It's no wonder we are all so sick.
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