Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Well, I think it's official. Today, I became a voodoo doll. I spent 3 hours this morning with my new doctor. He is an excellent, highly recommended Rheumatologist that I'm pretty sure is younger than I am (not a great thing for my frame of mind) and he wears a bow tie. I actually had to have some strings pulled to get me in there this soon. If anyone is thinking of a career change, they should consider Rheumatology in the Memphis area. Dr. Boatwright himself even told me that today. Anyway, after 3 hours of poking and sticking and x rays, he confirmed my other two diagnosis'. It is RA. SO, for the next 30 days I am taking the nasty dreaded steroids. Get ready blog world, in the next 30 days we will endure cravings, weight gain and plenty of schitzoembolisms, I am sure of it. See I had a hot flash just talking about it. That's just another side effect. I should start to feel better in the next 48 hours though. I just have no energy and I hurt even when I lay down. IT SUCKS. The next 30 days are just to "buy some time". After all of my lab results come in next week, my doctor will start the process which I understand can be a long one, of getting my insurance company to approve a long term treatment. I already have some permanant joint damage in my left hand and my left foot. Those seem to be the most effected areas at this point. Treatment can run anywhere in the neighborhood of $6K to $9K per month. That gave me a hot flash to type too. I am thanking God right now that my husband works at FedEx and that we have excellent insurance. I don't know where we would be if he didn't. SO, I guess we will see where this road leads. I'm trying hard to get over my anger. The biggest part of my anger is stemming from being angry. I know better than to feel that way and have so many blessings in my life and so many things to be thankful for. I've done some reading this week and soul searching of course. I'm sure I have plenty more to do. I'm just going to try to focus on positive things and things that make me happy. It's time to pick up the paint brush and get the sewing machine out and go to yoga and....that list just keeps getting longer.
I am walking in the Race for the Cure. PLEASE go to my website and check out my cause and help me if you can. If you can't that's ok, all I ask is that you send it to someone you know. Here is the link:
Thanks so much. Have a great week.
Hug all those precious little ones and enjoy every moment with them.
(SavyG has poision ivy. She got a shot in the bootay today and acted a fool. I've been calling her IVEY. She doesn't like that name. She prefers SavyG or Vinnalicious. (Somtimes I call her Vinney. I'm not sure where that one came from and then when Fergilicious came out she became Vinnalicious) Told you we were a family of nicknames.)
Be Good.

1 comment:

Jessi said...

Just wanted to let you know that you're in my prayers!