Friday, March 18, 2011

Back to the REAL WORLD

We made it back home today!!  We HAD to.  Blue is doing some Physical Therapy for her foot.  Jeff and I were a both a little skeptical on the front end if it would do any good or not, but I decided we needed to do EVERY thing we could to keep this foot in tip top shape.  After her first two sessions, Jeff jumped on board and says she needs to complete all 8 appointments.....  So, we rescheduled one to get a couple of days away but didn't want to get too far off schedule.
We were already getting bored in the waiting room...Friday afternoon P.T. was apparently a popular place.  We had to wait a few minutes for Matt, our P.T. with mad skills.
We did have the TIGER game on the ole tele, and at this point it was going good, but it didn't end on that same note :(  Oh well, we always have next year.
We finally got going....
Warming up...
She actually thought this was pretty fun.  We are trying to strengthen that left foot.  These balance skills are good for that foot and she actually enjoyed this little "game".  From the looks of the place, kids are NOT the main age group they see.
This one freaked her out for some reason.  She was afraid she was gonna fly off the end every time she jumped.  Proud of my girl for hanging in there.
I got major bored.  Have you ever seen my manicure look THIS bad?  That would be NO!! 
I totally split this middle finger.  Blue's look just as bad.  I think I know where we are headed tomorrow.
Hope you enjoyed your Spring Break.  I think we did.

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