Sunday, October 26, 2008


Let me start by saying, I LOVE BEING OFF WORK. I realize in a lot of people's eyes, I probably have it made. It is truly a blessing to own your own business. However, as I'm sure all business owners can understand, with that comes an incredible sense of responsibility. You feel guilty when you aren't there and it is very difficult to trust others to do the same job you think you would be there doing. I am lucky enough to have Miss Tosha working for me and I can really enjoy my time off. My mental health seems to be a little better. It's not great, but I'm not picturing wrapping thin wire around anyones neck and pulling it really tight anymore. Yep, I really felt that way. I know it wasn't good, just trying to keep it real.

Getting on with our weekend, we had Race for the Cure on Saturday morning and Mallory's (my neice) birthday on Sunday. SO, I had lots of pictures to sort through. I finally went back and sorted through the ones of Miss Tosha's graduation from Sales Producer University. I'm no longer allowed to talk about what company I work for on my blog....but Tosha graduated from an 8 week intensive sales program on October 17. They had an awesome graduation ceremony and Tosha won MVP of her class. GO TOSHA! We made awesome graduation signs and everything.

I've nicknamed her Posh Spice....Posh...Tosh....I don't know it just happened.

OK, lets go ahead and address my weight issue. Steroids = 15 pounds. I'm over it. My hands work, my butt is big. It's a good trade if you ask me.

I'm so proud of Tosha for doing this. She is an AMAZING girl and a once in a lifetime find for a dedicated employee. God truly sent her to me just when I needed her. She has grown and accomplished so much and I couldn't be more proud. Tosha, I love you.

At last count, I had 196 photos that I haven't shared a single one of so forgive me if I'm a little short on the pics tonight. They may be getting uploaded on here for the next several days. I just sent them to the printer. I always LOVE to see the actual picture.

I can't say enough about Race for the Cure. Thank you to all those that donated. This was my first year to do it. I was a little nervous before hand because I have honestly been miserable and I wasn't sure how the crowd would be. It was wonderful. What an amazing feeling!! I can't tell you how much it warmed my heart to see so many people out there for a single cause...A CURE. There was a sea of people in front of me and a sea of people behind me. We walked as a company so I have to say Thank You to the girls as well as my incredible kiddos who care so much about finding a cure for cancer. It amazes me the love in their hearts for the people and families of those affected by this horrible disease. I'm so glad they understand that each and everyone of us really does make a difference. AND my mother even participated. This was her first race ever! She has EXTREME crowd phobia. Going to Wal-Mart is difficult for her and she willingly participated this year. I am so proud of my mama.

Do you see us? (HINT: I wore a pink wig!)

I love you Jake and Aunt Katie. Grandmother, you are my ROCK!

NOW, we had a most excellent 2 year old birthday at Chuck E. Cheese. It serves it's purpose, but whoever created that place was seriously warped. The huge mouse freaks little kids out, it is a breeding ground for germs and parents in their right minds can't stand the place. BUT, Mallory had a good party and she LOVED her gifts.

Aunt Kacy was stealing some sweet baby Georgia loving.

Who could have ever imagined a Dora the Explorer Big Wheel could put a smile like this on a baby's face?

Rhett Man giving his BIGGEST smile for his favorite Cousin Kacy.

Nash just decided to take up the paci this month and usually prefers it to be upside down. Hey man, power to you. Do you what you gotta do!

Does my family have some serious BIG brown eyes or what?

Happy Birthday Mal Mal! We love you!

Peace Out,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You took some really cute pictures! Thankyou for coming!! Mallory and Georgia love their Aunt Kacy!!..And by the way you look great! I don't know what in the world you are talking about gaining weight!!! You are freekin tiny!!!As always!!!!! And yeah you are right about the parent being in their right mind!Some of those kids were crazy! Running around and knocked Mal down! One was up on the top of the ski ball machine and I had to go get the manager! And it was GERM city! But I will say this, Mallory had an awesome day there! Her little face was lit up the whole time! Thankyou so much for the gifts! She LOVES her shoes and dishes! We played in her little kitchen last night! I'm glad you are feeling better! Your mama asked us to come down friday night, we are excited!!!!! See you then! Love you, Maria