Can you believe I even remembered my
login for
BlogSpot? HA. No "REAL" excuses, just total holiday overload, plus a little extra personal overload. Ya know....%*IT HAPPENS. Anyway, I'm back from the beach.
Wow, alot has happened since my last post. I have received many phone calls telling me to update my blog. I guess that's nice, but gees guys, did you forget I'm driven by guilt already? I'm just kidding. Thanks for keeping up with us, MOM.
So, the day I went on "vacation" was my mom's birthday. Happy Birthday Mother. We all partied like Rockstars.
(I'm probably a dead woman for that....)
I actually had to go back and see what all I had already told you about. Now that's really bad.
I finally found one of my missing Christmas Trees. It was in a neighbor's garage. I'm not exactly sure how that happened, but since I put out an APB on my tree and was actually able to locate it one street over, I'm not so sure I'm still haphazard. Now, I've only lost one tree. I finally got the tree up and decorated and I love it. Last night, I saw a beautiful tree that I would love to try to recreate sometime, but I like my tree. It's full of ornaments that all mean something to me. The kids made most of them or they were gifts that all mean something to me. I just love it.
Ashley and I are still playing tricks on eachother. That girl ain't right. Right after Thanksgiving, we were heading home and found a very interesting decoy in one of my neighbor's yards. it was two turkeys engaged in a very personal act. We got the great idea to "borrow" it and give Ashley a little more yard art.
When the wind would blow, these characters would get really hot and heavy and their heads would bob around all crazy. They were really funny.
It was late at night when we got around to this little trick. Ashley, do you always answer the door with your hand in your pants? HA.

That was fun, but of course she got me back. I don't remember how long it was, I guess about a week or so, she got me good.
We have gone to the same church for years. Every year at Christmas they do the Angel Tree. Jeff and I have always gone to the Saturday night service. Well, one Saturday night my doorbell rang....the front doorbell. If it weren't for the mailbox, I wouldn't know what the front of my house looked like. We live on a corner and the drive way is off of the side street. That's all we use. Only formal guests or the pizza delivery man come to the front door. That night about 7, the front doorbell rang. The dogs went nuts. I went to the front door and stepped outside on the porch so the dogs couldn't attack. The man on the porch said that he was a member of Hope Presbyterian (our church) and they had drawn our name off of the family tree and wanted to deliver this box and hoped it helped. He was eyeing my house. I was speechless and caught completely off guard. It was the appropriate time just after the Saturday night service and everything. Here is a picture of the front of my house.

Its a ridiculous 7000 square foot monster that you have to drive all the way around to get to the front. I was standing there with thank you coming out of my mouth and wondering what this guy must be thinking and who in the world put our name on the Angel Tree list. Things aren't great but, that's taking it a little too far. I didn't want to seem ungrateful, so I just said thank you. I took the box in the house and was having a total hot flash and was
embarrassed and all sorts of stuff. I opened it and it had used stuff in it. There was a half a roll of paper towels and opened boxes of cereal. I decided Ashley must have done this. I called her and text her and didn't get her. I expected her to be laughing. She didn't answer. That opened the door for the doubt to creep in. Jeff walked in a few minutes later and I showed him. He said Craig, our pastor, probably had it sent because we hadn't been there in awhile and were behind on our tithing. I almost died when he said that. Craig has that kind of sense of humor. I was freaking out. FINALLY, Ashley answered the phone and she was laughing so hard she couldn't breathe. They had recorded the
conversation between me and that stranger they sent to my house and were dying laughing at me trying to sound sweet. I could kill her.
Jeff was affected by the FedEx cutbacks last week. That sucked. I guess that's all I have to say about that right now. We are thankful that he still has a job. The future is scary.
Happy late Birthday Georgia. My precious
niece had her first birthday Friday. We
celebrated yesterday along with our Christmas Celebration with my side of the family. I'll share pictures next time. It sure was nice to have Christmas with a lot of little ones running around.
It's good to be back.