I'm back! HA. You guys crack me up. Thanks for checking on me. So, for some strange reason, I thought today was gonna be a nice relaxing rainy Sunday. UMMM, NOT. At 8:30 this morning the "crew" showed up to rip the back wall out of my house and open up my "kitchen". It's a "kitchen" because it's not really a kitchen. There is a fridge sitting in the middle of where the kitchen should be. There is no stove and I put a microwave on a folding table. We do have a sink. Needless to say, I was glad the "crew" showed up today. They got the wall out and all braced back up. Now we just need a little sheet rock work and then the cabinets and new appliances can go in, oh, and don't forget, a floor! This has NOT been the easiest move to say the least. I don't recommend ever living on a construction site. August and September are by far the busiest months of the year for us. I have decided to NEVER move during those months again. As a matter of fact, I have decided to just NEVER move again. I got all I need right here on Sunset.

I'm heading to bed. I've got a busy week. It's update file time at work...that can make for some long days, I've got several meetings in the next few days and then I have to be in Jackson MS next week.
Keep my family in your prayers over the next few days if you don't mind. I'll update on a few "situations" through this next week.
Glad to be BACK.
When all you heckness calms down-and the day comes when u want to make some more curtains-Ive got some measurments for u!! They are awesome--I need a little feel good funk decor up in herea!!!!
Well thank goodness, I can call the search team off...I was seriously afraid that Bigfoot broke into your house in the woods and kidnapped you all or put you in a cult....I don't know how you are even surviving cuz I think I would jump off a bridge with everything you have going on.. So glad u are back I really really really really really really missed you!
We miss your blogging!!!! We love you and hope the house is coming along!
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