Monday, May 14, 2012

Summer Time

NO, I didn't fail, but I quickly realized that blogging is NOT in the cards when I am in school.  A lot of things are not in the cards...I've had to stop reading all other blogs, limit my FB use to at night after everyone has gone to bed, I quit cleaning my house and doing laundry and almost NEVER fix my hair :).  It stays in a pony tail or tied up somehow with a rubber band on the back of my head.  I'm down to only my best friend because I neglect everyone else (NOT ON PURPOSE) and my poor family...well my poor family.  I miss soccer practice and games regularly and I am THAT mom who occasionally has to dig the cleanest dirty uniform out of the laundry basket for the kids to wear.  UGGHHH!  This mess is hard, but I LOVE IT! 

This was a tough semester.  It was easier in some ways but it was tough.  Test taking has gotten a little bit better...I think it's just a little easier to anticipate what we will be tested on.  I only have three weeks off until I go back for summer school :/  I wish I had more time off but I know I will be very happy come July 1 when I have three more classes under my belt.
As usual it is CRAZY around here.  I had a good Mother's Day.  Both kids were playing in a soccer tournament, so the whole weekend was spent at the soccer fields in the rain.  We have Dalton's awards program in the morning and Blue is being inducted into the Junior National Honor Society tomorrow night.  I'm so proud of them.  Jeff and Dalton went to Italy for 10 days last month.  Dalton was playing in an International Soccer Tournament.  They had a great time and came home exhausted.  I still haven't been able to get Jeff to give me the pictures from his phone.  I only have a few and they aren't on this computer.  I will get them and update some photos of my International Men of Mystery.

Let me see what I have on this laptop :)

This was our Christmas card photo this year...

Yes, this is my baby boy.  This was right before the Masquerade Dance at school - 7th Grade.

This picture was chosen and used in a commercial for the kids Orthodontist :)  We are still working on those beautiful smiles!

Blue was in her first beauty pageant.  She looked AMAZING!!  We were so proud of her - 6th Grade

I will dig up more pictures and update through the summer.  I'm sure when August gets here it will be tough again.

Happy Summer.